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His Promise of Hope

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead brought hope to His disciples and other followers. Jesus remained on earth forty days after His resurrection. During this time He made several recorded appearances. These were to people individually, to His disciples, and to a crowd of more than five hundred at one time. These people were not expecting to see Jesus. They expected Him to be dead and in the tomb. They had forgotten His promise that He would rise from the dead on the third day. They were dejected and without hope. Thomas, one of the disciples, did not believe the others when they told him Jesus was alive. He wanted proof. When Thomas saw Jesus, he put his fingers in the nail wounds and pierced side of Jesus and then believed. When Thomas believed his hope was restored. After His appearances, Jesus ascended into heaven and is exalted at the right hand of God. The Bible says in the New Testament book of the Gospel of Mark, "When the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up to heaven and sat down at the right hand of God." (Mark 16:19) Sin brings a sense of hopelessness. When you accept Jesus, God no longer holds your sins against you. He extends a new beginning, a fresh start. He gives you peace that brings hope, for this day and for the future. This does not mean that your life will be void of trials and heartaches. As a child of God you can come to Him at any time for the help you need. Nothing is too great or too small for God. He is always there. Jesus intercedes before God for those who call upon His name. Life is uncertain, with problems and worries. There are challenges and obstacles of life that can be overwhelming and confusing. When you believe in Jesus Christ you are never alone. He is with you when you are disappointed, troubled, and suffering. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Jesus is the best friend you will ever have. He never changes. He is interested in you and your life. Jesus frees you from fear from the past and fear of tomorrow. There is purpose and meaning to life in Jesus Christ. He gives hope and a reason to live no matter what the circumstances. At some point every person will die, but death is not the end. Those with a personal relationship will spend eternity with Christ. Jesus will return one day for those who believe in and have a personal relationship with Him. No one knows when the Second Coming of Christ will occur. Those who believe in Jesus Christ, dead and alive, will be caught up in the air with Him to spend eternity in His presence. Because Jesus is alive and at God's right hand, His gift of eternal life is a promise of hope. You can be filled with hope, for today and for all eternity. Jesus is that living hope.


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